Story of Us

Mr. and Mrs. soon to be,
Fred and Tara share lots of great memories.

From vacations, a cruise, & races,
To attending weddings as guests.
Our camping trips out west
Brought out the very best.

Traveling across the country and overseas…..
Fred thinking he Scuba Steve or Hercules!

But lets go back when
We were young again.
Fred and Tara were athletic kids,
Some silly sports we each did. 

In his younger years,
Fred was tough and no fear!
He worked hard to get on top,
Determined to win and never stop.

Tara was quite brave,
An attempt at hurdling she gave.
Soon she realized that she was wrong,
And switched to running long.

We each have a passion for many things:
Fred for chocolate, beer, pizza and log surfing.
Tara for fruit, veggies, or hummus for dipping.
But together we share a crazy passion for running.

So one summer it was to be,
Fred was in need of a camp counselor you see.
It started with the Mastick race,
Followed by a blue drink Tara embraced.

One date and then another,
Soon, we got to know each other.
Lots of time we did spend,
Over which we became best friends.

Happiness and smiles are what we bring.
Fred and Tara….a forever thing.
A relationship built on love and trust, 
We are excited to begin “The Story of Us”.

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